It is August 13, 2010...the 19th anniversary of the day my precious Sarah--Your princess--surprised me by entering this world five weeks early.
I still remember, ever so vividly, those long hours of the doctors and nurses frantically trying to stop my labor...while it increased instead. You, oh God, knew what was going on during those critical hours and minutes of decision making by such a Godly doctor. For You are the one who created her inmost being, knitting her together even during those last seconds, inside my womb. You numbered her days and and wrote them in Your book before even one of them came to be. You knew her days were to begin on August 13th...not September 15th. Only You knew that I had contracted an infection that could have killed that precious baby girl...or in the least left her with brain damage.
I thank You that she was fearfully and wonderfully made to be exactly as she is; her frame was never hidden from You when You made her in the secret place. When every intricate detail of Sarah was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw each and every part of her unformed body.
Thank You for the peace I have, knowing that You know when Sarah sits and when she rises; You know her going out and her lying down. You are familiar with all her ways. You know all her thoughts without her even speaking them aloud; before she even speaks a word, You, Oh God know exactly what she is about to say.
Father, thank you for hemming Sarah in. You are both behind and before her at all times. You have laid Your almighty hand upon her. How reassuring, as a mother, to know there is nowhere she can go that will separate her from Your Spirit or Your presence. You always know where she is and what she is doing. If she goes up to the heavens, You are there; even if she makes her bed in the depths, You will be there as well. If she rises on the wings of the dawn, or settles on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide her; Your right hand will hold Sarah fast.
I know that when Sarah feels like the darkness is hiding her and the light becomes like night around her, even the darkness will not be dark to You. So, I pray the night will shine like the day for her, just as darkness is as light to You. (Psalm 139)
I pray that Sarah will continue to be taught by You, Father, (and only You) and in doing so, her peace will be great. (Isaiah 54:13)
I know she has received Your Son, Christ Jesus, as her Lord and Savior, as a young child. I pray she will always continue to live in Him; that she will be deeply rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith she has been taught, and constantly overflowing with thankfulness.
I pray no one leads her astray through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world, rather than on Christ. Oh Father, this is such a deep prayer because these teachings are running rampant in the universities...and even in the churches.
I pray that Sarah will always set her heart on things above where Christ is seated at Your right hand. I pray she will have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed and idolatry. I also pray she will get rid of all anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language and lying. I pray her conversations will always be full of grace, seasoned with salt...irregardless of whom she is speaking.
I pray that Sarah's spirit will continuously be renewed in knowledge in the image of you, the Creator.
I pray that she will be full of compassion, kindness, gentleness and patience; that she will bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances she may have against others. Teach her to forgive as You forgave her. Most importantly, I pray that she will be filled with love, which binds all together in perfect unity; that she will let the peace of Christ rule in her hearts, and be thankful.
Father, thank you for the precious demonstration of love I heard coming from Sarah this past week, as she ministered to a hurting child of yours. And thank you for the way she has reached out to her friend, Virginia...and many others who have been hurting. I love her precious heart. Please help her to learn how to demonstrate that same love, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and forgiveness where it is often most difficult...at home...towards her sister.
Oh how I pray that the Word of Christ will dwell in Sarah richly; and whatever she does, whether in word or deed, she would do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, always giving thanks to You, the Father through Him. I pray that she would be consistently devoted in prayer. (Colossians 1-4)
I thank You, Father God, that you chose me to be Sarah's Mother. Help me to walk in a manner worthy of that calling. (Ephesians 4:1)
Thank You for doing all that I have asked, according to Your will and in Your precious Son's name,