"Now you don't have to worry so much, Aunt Debbie!" she squealed with delight.
She was only ten years old, yet even she was aware of the impact and control worry had on me. Countless days and endless nights I would roll those worry balls around in my hands, begging God for victory over my fears and worry. Both seemed to have a death grip on me...a grip I could not break.
Then, I began an in-depth study of my Father's love for me. The more I studied, the more confident I became in trusting Him. As I understood just how much He loved me--enough to physically separate Himself from His Son and send Him to earth; enough to watch His Son to endure suffering and persecution; enough to allow His Son to die a death on the cross; and enough to turn His back on His Son as He took my sin upon Himself--I realized that He can be trusted for absolutely everything.
During that study of understanding His love, a phrase kept running through my mind. "My Father loves me too much to allow anything in my life that isn't ultimately for my good and His glory." That phrase has stuck with me and has become my anti-worry motto, if you will. I know that God does love me so much that everything He allows in my life is for my good and His glory. I may not immediately see it or understand it. But, I know that the God who loved me enough to send His Son for me would not allow anything in my life that wasn't for my good and His glory. To do so would go against the nature of God.
Therefore, whenever something comes along that causes me to feel anxious or nervous, I remember how much God loves me, remind Him how much He loves me, and trust that it is somehow for my good and His glory.
As for my worry balls...they are simply a great reminder that I have replaced my worry with a deeper understanding of my Father's love.
I am linking up today with Faith Barista Jam as we share about Letting Go of Worry. Click on the link below to read more blogs on this subject.
What a great post, Debbie! It is heart work to take in God's word in the middle of our worries and God sees our faith - not the results - and He is pleased.
I love the reminder that we are never outside of God's plan, that he works for our good and his glory and he cannot do otherwise. Thank you!
I love your anti-worry motto! I think I’ll borrow it for myself because I am serious about getting rid of this sin of worry in my life.
Praise God that we can cast our cares on Jesus.
Great inspiration!
Yes to this - "My Father loves me too much to allow anything in my life that isn't ultimately for my good and His glory."
Worry balls is so dead on. I picture juggling them and getting tired.
Letting my worry balls roll over to Jesus feet too.
God Bless you Debbie.
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